Spring Cold
I’m sorry to say this, but I’m getting sick. My body is being successfully attacked by an acute respiratory infection. In other words, I’m getting a bad cold. I’ve got a bunch of yucky stuff coming in my throat and my nose is starting to stuff up. I was thinking about Selena all night, because I’m almost sure I gave it to her because I was with her all weekend. You’re contagious right before the symptoms start, right? I think that’s how it is. And the culprit who gave this thing to me is undoubtedly my daughter Neesie, who’s just getting over one of these pesky things. Why is it that we always try to figure out who gave us a cold? It’s as if we want to know who to blame. Something left over from Adam and Eve in their garden situation, I think.
Well, cold or no cold, it really is spring here now. The trees are budding, the birds are picking their mates and building their nests, and people are once again mowing their lawns and planting their flowers. Bright sunshine has pushed its way through the persistent cloud cover and everybody feels better now. So we’re all ready for May Day.
April is leaving us and I only talked once about the book for this month. So, all you moms and grandmoms (any dads and granddads reading as well) go check out The Child’s Story Bible to get for your household. As I said before, it’s especially useful for Sunday school teachers, as most of the stories of the Bible are rewritten accurately, biblically and with a heart for Christ. See my previous post about this book if you’d like to find out more, and its picture is on my sidebar.
Have a good day, everyone.