Apparently there is a new prayer being offered and which is being put on teeshirts and posters, which reads something like this: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8." A fellow Christian I know was talking about the Psalm 109:8 slogan on Facebook and he was talking about how wrong it is. I, as a Christian and conservative, would have to agree with my my FB friend. I do not want to defend our fellow Christians who would put forth such sentiments. The proper Scripture we should all have for this President, as well as all presidents, is 1 Tim 2:1-2. God has instructed us to pray for our leaders, and He did not qualify it by saying that we should only pray for those with whom we agree. I would venture a guess that the people who were in authority in Paul's day were not righteous leaders. Even though I do not agree with the policies of the current administration and I do not think Mr. Obama is good for this country, I still pray for him and the others in office. I pray for their well being and safety as well as their hearts. I know without a doubt that this is what the Lord wants us to do.
Certain people who are familiar with this Psalm 109 slogan are saying that its intent was that folks would pray for a one term office, but if that was the intent, it is totally out of context. The passage in question is clearly asking for the death of the psalmist's enemies. I for one am very disappointed on hearing about this being on teeshirts and posters and hope that it will soon come to an end. I saw a lot of hate filled photos and posters against President Bush and I abhorred that. Now, I am sorry to say, many conservatives are stooping to the same level. So sad. I haven't met anyone personally who is posting or wearing this slogan, but if anyone reading this is in agreement with it, then you and I are not on the same page. I don't want to get into an argument about it, but I do want to express my heart. I am quite upset about this slogan, because it is a misuse of the Word of God and a misrepresentation of Christians. I hope you will reconsider if you think this is the way that God would have you voice your opposition to a leader whom you don't like.
Have a nice Lord's Day tomorrow, worshipping our great God who alone reigns and is King of King and Lord of Lords. We look to Him, not any leader, no matter what his political party or affiliation. Even those we consider good men, are men at best and sinners who will fail us in one way or another. I hope we don't get too carried away with our desires to see the America we want to see. I hope our desires are grounded in a love for God and our fellow man, as Jesus said they should be. I hope as we fight for freedom, we remember that more important than anything else, true freedom is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ and that America will only have true freedom if she returns to Him.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Be blessed.