Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Here We Go Again!

We haven't completely dug out from the last one, but another huge storm is headed our way later today. The guy on the radio just said these exact words: "For the second time in less than a week, the area is about to be clobbered with a big, nasty, snowstorm." I just got back from a visit to WalMart to get more bread and milk and something else that's important: Valentine's Day cards and gifts. I should be well stocked with food from last weeks gigantic shopping trip to our local supermarket, so we're all set for another day or two of seeking shelter in our home. We maintained our power the last time, so pray that the same happens again. School closings are being read over the airwaves and most planned activities are being cancelled.

Well, it's supposed to come down heavily overnight, so I'll probably be getting up again at the crack of dawn to go out to clean off the feeders so that my little feathered friends can get to the seed and suet at the various stations in our yard. The above picture is of our poor little dogwood tree which never did quite make it after it was planted in the spring of 1996, the Mother's Day following the death of my mom. It was planted in memory of her; she loved dogwood trees. Unfortunately, it gets very few blooms during the time when it should bloom (around Mother's Day). But it is a popular spot during winter storms because it always holds a square of suet which the birds particularly like during cold and harsh weather. Suet is beef fat and I understand it's quite good for them. I put it up at several places during the heart of the winter. You can see the one starling eating while a couple of others are waiting their turn. I wonder why they were being so polite--usually they aren't! The puppy with the rose in his mouth is a window cling on the back sliding door. He and all the other little critters in these Valentine clings help to cheer up the place and look quite pretty against the backdrop of the snowy backyard.

So, that's what's happening here. How's the weather where you are?


Laurie said...

It's good to hear from you after the big storm, Maxine, and I am sorry that you are going to get clobbered again! You are such a gem to take such good care of those litte birds. "They neither sow or reap or stow away in barns yet the heavenly Father feeds them" through you. The picture is precious with those starlings being polite; they must know how important this meal is for them! I know He is providing for you and your family, and those Valentines are important. I just came from getting some for our kids/grandkids and hope to get some cookies ready for the mail.

We have had snow on the ground all winter, which is unusual for us, and it was below zero this morning, but we do not have near as much snow as you do! I will be praying for your well-being as you hunker down!

... said...

wow! you guys are getting clobbered. i'm so glad we're not having to deal with snow. we had a little yesterday, but the sun is out today melting it all away.

good luck.

Susan said...

We escaped the snow accumulation and ICE but are having bitter cold. It just laugh every time I think of Al Gore and his global warming!!! Stay safe, Maxine, and I pray your power stays on.

Sandra said...

I pray you keep your power through this one too. It's one thing to be snowed in but not fun to not have power.

As Susan said, we didn't get what they thought we were going to get yesterday...ice and snow. I'm thanking the Lord for that. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know what is happening.

Linda said...

You do have lots and lots of snow!! How sweet you are to take care of the little birds. They seem so helpless in those conditions.
We had a couple of beautiful, warm days, but a front has blown in and we are due for some colder, wetter weather.
Stay safe and warm!

Cathy said...

Well, we missed another storm here. But we do have a high wind alert for tomorrow. It is cold at night in the 20s. Praying you don't lose your power. And you are sweet to care for the little birds.

Debra said...

Can't believe you all are going to get it again and so soon!

I will be sending up an extra prayer that your power remains.

Just very cold here. At least for us. Rain and cold, 28-30 degrees. I know that must seem like a heat wave to you! Ha

Patti said...

You know, I have a special Mother's Day tree, as well. For my first Mother's Day, Gary and Gabrielle got me a lovely Southern magnolia, one of my favorite trees. Sadly, though, we couldn't take it from Florida when we moved....just another reason why I miss my Florida home so much.

Stay warm, safe, and snuggly inside!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a beautiful setting. I love the picture.:) Your winter weather certainly is WINTER weather & quite the opposite of ours this year. We were clobbered last year, but as you know, we're enjoying spring like weather in mid winter this year. I'm so glad you were able to keep your power on during the last storm & pray all will be well with you through the remainder of this season. Blessings to you!

Maxine said...

Well, thanks for all your good wishes. It's almost bedtime and finally the snow seems to be winding down. We have a mess out there and they're telling everyone to stay off the roads. Lots of ice and sleet fell early this morning before the serious snow started late morning and continued until late this evening. But the good news is that we have kept our electricity here in our house, thanks be to the Lord. It flickered on about three separate occasions making the computer shut down, but so far that's it.

I've been to some of your blogs and you're having good weather. No fair. Just kidding. The Lord has determined that it's our turn to have rough stuff and why not.

Brenda said...

Glad you're prepared.
We received about 5" over 2 days time. Interestingly, it was the lightest and fluffiest snow I've seen in a long time. You could almost see each individual snowflake. It was beautiful.