Friday, July 02, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance

I found this on a website (Boy Scouts of America Troop 780-Dunn, NC) and thought it was an appropriate time to copy it:

When you pledge allegiance to the flag, you promise loyalty and devotion to your nation.

I pledge allegiance...
You promise to be true the flag...
to the emblem of your country

... of the United States of America...
a nation made up of fifty states and several territories, each with certain rights of its own

... and to the republic...
a country where the people elect representatives from among themselves to make laws for them

...for which it stands...
the flag represents the United States of America

... one nation under God,...
a country whose people are free to believe in God

... indivisible,...
the nation cannot be split into parts

... with liberty and justice...
with freedom and fairness

...for all. ...
for every person in the country - you and every other American.

May your Fourth of July holiday be blessed of the Lord. May our country be blessed by Him and return to Him. Trusting you'll be joining in prayer with many others that this will be so. It's a good time for the Lord to be bombarded with lots of prayers for this needy nation. I'm sure you'll agree that our financial needs are not the top priority, but the spiritual and moral are.


Linda said...

Thank you Maxine. These words become more precious with every passing day.

Laurie said...

Oh, yes, Maxine, prayer should be our top priority, to thank God for the freedoms we have and to ask that we would again become "one nation under God". And yes, our priorities are upside down and need to be Christ-centered once again. When I read that the founders of our country relied on God as they carved out this country, I am saddened by what I see now. But our faith in God always brings hope, and I trust Him for our todays and tomorrows.

Have a wonderful 4th of July, Maxine, and thank you so much for your recent comments. I pray for you and your family to have a God-filled celebration!
Blessings and love,

Karen said...

I had not seen that piece before. Thank you. God, bless the USA.

Cathy said...

Beautiful, my friend ~ God have mercy on our country. Have a great holiday.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Maxine what a wonderful post for the 4th. Laurie says it all in her comment.
Enjoyed my visit with you today. Coldwater and all

Karen said...

I really liked this...