Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thanks Joni

His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things…” Matthew 25:21

I don’t know if any of you have read Joni Eareckson Tada’s book of devotional readings entitled More Precious Than Silver, but if not, I would wholeheartedly recommend it. I gave this book as a Christmas gift to my daughter a few years ago and earlier this year I borrowed it back. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it off and on since then.

Anyway, the December 6th entry really hit home today. It was entitled “Faithfulness” and so much truth is packed into it. I can only go into a little here, but Joni was speaking about those godly folks (and we all know of some) who serve the Lord with little reward on this side of heaven. Pastors of small congregations, missionaries in jungle villages, elderly saints in nursing homes, and teenagers who maintain their integrity and purity are all given as examples in this sweet little writing.

We all know folks like these, who quietly do their service for Christ, with very little recognition or “success.” But get this: As Joni says, “Success isn’t the key. Faithfulness is.” I’m sure glad to be reminded of that, aren’t you? Keep on laboring friends! Someday we’ll hear that “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Did you hear me, weary mothers? Did you hear that Sunday school teachers? How about you who are tenderly and kindly caring for an aging parent, with little help or relief? How about those of you caring for a sick or handicapped child? And the many grandmoms who are consistently and tirelessly praying for your children and grandchildren? What a reminder! Someday, we’ll hear that “well done.” Keep pressing on!


Beverly said...

Great Reminder. I'm glad you posted this as I was wondering where that book went!! I hope we will hear that "well done."

Phoebe said...

Perhaps things will be less confusing after I post re. my dna blood test results. Thanks so much for praying. I enjoyed your post here!

chrisd said...

I am so glad you posted this--I was coming by to say hello and was I blessed, as I am always when I visit!

Much love from Chris at Yahoo 360