Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Come Let Us Adore Him

"Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas, adoring the One who came as a babe those many years ago!

O Come Let us adore Him; O Come let us adore Him; O Come let us adore Him.......Christ the Lord! "

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A White Wedding

One Sunday a couple of months ago, we had a couple of visitors to our church. One was a very friendly young woman, full of vitality and joy in the Lord, the other a quiet and reserved young man with a warm smile and and sweet spirit. Our congregation is somewhat small, so visitors seldom go unnoticed. I went over to meet these two young folks (age about thirty), and was cheerfully greeted by Noelle expressing how thankful she was to be there. Then she proceeded to tell me that she and the young man were probably going to be coming to our church and that they hoped to be married there. I thought they had probably called our pastor that week prior, but he later informed me that he had never talked to them before. The following week he told us that these two folks wanted to be married and wanted to be baptized. They have been saved not too very long, had met each other after a fairly long search for a mate on both their parts, and God had used E-Harmony to bring them together. They wanted to do things in a godly way, not worldly, and wanted to be married quietly, simply, and quickly.

Well after some counseling sessions, it was decided that they would be married by our pastor and hopefully, he would soon baptize them. He talked them into having a wedding with just a few trimmings and a small reception. The bride decided to get a vintage dress from the fifties and the groom decided to have his dad as the best man. We ladies will serve the thirty or so folks who will be attending. We've been excited, especially those who have been helping them put this ceremony and reception together.

And today is the day. But there is a hitch: I am about to go to bed now (it's a little after midnight) and when dawn comes, our first major snowstorm should be just starting. The forecast calls for snow all day and at about the time of the wedding (3:00), it's supposed to be coming down heavily. I hope and pray that this little Christmas wedding can go forth as planned. I pray the best for this couple and covet your prayers as well. Since they have been among us, their commitment to Christ and His ways have been quite a blessing to behold. I hope they are okay with their white Christmas wedding! Seems rather appropriate for a bride named Noelle.

UPDATE: It is now evening and it has turned out to be one of the biggest snowstorms in this area in recent years. Who would have thought that our family would have ventured out on such a day? But we did, and the wedding was WONDERFUL! I wish I had had the presence of mind to ask them if I could post a picture on this blog, but I forgot and I don't like to do that without permission. It was the sweetest and most precious wedding ever. As I said, it was small and intimate and particularly Christ focused. As we sat watching the ceremony, with the church decorated for Christmas, it was so beautiful to look out the window at the snow falling behind the wreaths. Just lovely. The bride was beautiful, the grooms eyes sparkled with that look of the husband taking his long awaited wife, and the words of their vows which they had written were absolutely God glorifying. It was so refreshing to be there. Then, at the end of the reception, the groom's thank you speech was more than anything a presentation of the gospel to his family. Wow. Thank you, Lord, that we went; it was worth the aggravation.

And it's still snowing!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Room for Jesus

I am so glad that there is room for Jesus in the White House this year. The nativity scene creche pictured above is being displayed in the East Room, as it has been every year since 1967, by every administration. Apparently, there was a consideration that it wouldn't be this year and I don't know all the details on that, except it has something to do with the President's family planning a "non-religious Christmas." From what I read, "tradition" won out after all, and that certainly is a good thing from my vantage point. A Christmas without Christ would be like Valentine's Day without love if that makes any sense. That would have been sad indeed.

Now that that has been apparently settled, what about us as individuals? Is there room for Jesus in your home and mine this year? Or will we be too busy with decorating, cookie baking, and running to stores? Not that these things are wrong, of course, but they are if they crowd out Jesus. Let's make sure we give the Christ child His rightful place in our lives and remember the reason we celebrate this holiday in the first place. And most importantly, I hope we remember why His first coming was so important and what He accomplished when He came. Is there room in your heart for Jesus?

Thou dost reign on high with a kingly crown,
Yet thou camest to earth for me,
And in Bethlehem's home was there found no room
For thy holy nativity:
O come to my heart, Lord Jesus,
There is room in my heart for thee.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Cookies and Things

My two little sweeties and their mommy came over on Saturday and this is what we all did. Now that was fun! Aren't grandchildren the best? One of these days we may pass on the recipe; they were yummy. I am not a great fan of gingerbread cookies, but we adjusted a recipe from Allrecipes. com and they came out delicious. Or maybe we should keep it in our secret family recipes, so that Selena and Shana can it put away in their hope chests.

And Selena even helped us trim the tree for the first time! (Sorry I don't have a photo.) And what was Shana doing then? She was dancing around the room with ornaments! Well, it was one of those days we nannas love best. And this particular nanna needed that day. Lots of less fun things going on around here these days which I'll share at another time. All is well, though, and as you know, God is good...all the time.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Proving Myself

I've recently made a rather strange discovery: I like geometry. In fact, I really like it--a lot. When my older daughter Bev was going through this unpleasant experience (for her), we had folks in our life who were available and willing to help her get through it, but Neesie's situation is different and there is really no one convenient to help, other than the teachers at ABeka.There are times when that may be useful, but you can just imagine how needful it is to have someone right on the spot to work with any student. Unfortunately, her dad and I never had the subject when we were in school. Well, at this late stage in my life, I am trying to learn it as best I can so that I can better talk to her about why the answers are what they are in my teacher key. And I am learning! And wow, is it ever fascinating! (I think my daughters view me as a bit odd that I enjoy it so much, but they shouldn't be surprised considering their mom is one of those weird people who likes to do logic puzzles while sitting in waiting rooms and riding in the car.)

Neesie says it has helped that I can talk to her about things and make some sort of sense when I couldn't before. I'm still behind where they are in class, but pray I can keep up enough to help her with the many ins and outs of angles, quads, triangles, and the rest. At least now I know what S.A.S. means and what a transversal is ! (Okay, I'm showing off.) Now if I learn to do a proof all by myself without looking in the teacher's book, I will really have proved myself! I'm getting a lot of help from Geometry for Dummies (appropriate for me), so by and by, maybe I'll get there.

Anyway, I can't spend my days doing geometry. I have to cook, clean, drive the mom taxi, grocery shop, and all that boring stuff. So. . . . blogging is being pushed aside again. But I'll be back! And I'll sneak in to see you my dear friends every little chance I get. That is, when I'm not doing geometry!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17

I have so much to be thankful for! God has been kind and merciful and I want to thank Him or all my blessings. I wish I had the time to sit here and count them all, and name them one by one. But the list would be so long. I praise and thank Him for that and most of all, for Himself.

I am thankful for each of you who happens to stop by. I am wishing you all a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pray Righteously, Please

Apparently there is a new prayer being offered and which is being put on teeshirts and posters, which reads something like this: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8." A fellow Christian I know was talking about the Psalm 109:8 slogan on Facebook and he was talking about how wrong it is. I, as a Christian and conservative, would have to agree with my my FB friend. I do not want to defend our fellow Christians who would put forth such sentiments. The proper Scripture we should all have for this President, as well as all presidents, is 1 Tim 2:1-2. God has instructed us to pray for our leaders, and He did not qualify it by saying that we should only pray for those with whom we agree. I would venture a guess that the people who were in authority in Paul's day were not righteous leaders. Even though I do not agree with the policies of the current administration and I do not think Mr. Obama is good for this country, I still pray for him and the others in office. I pray for their well being and safety as well as their hearts. I know without a doubt that this is what the Lord wants us to do.

Certain people who are familiar with this Psalm 109 slogan are saying that its intent was that folks would pray for a one term office, but if that was the intent, it is totally out of context. The passage in question is clearly asking for the death of the psalmist's enemies. I for one am very disappointed on hearing about this being on teeshirts and posters and hope that it will soon come to an end. I saw a lot of hate filled photos and posters against President Bush and I abhorred that. Now, I am sorry to say, many conservatives are stooping to the same level. So sad. I haven't met anyone personally who is posting or wearing this slogan, but if anyone reading this is in agreement with it, then you and I are not on the same page. I don't want to get into an argument about it, but I do want to express my heart. I am quite upset about this slogan, because it is a misuse of the Word of God and a misrepresentation of Christians. I hope you will reconsider if you think this is the way that God would have you voice your opposition to a leader whom you don't like.

Have a nice Lord's Day tomorrow, worshipping our great God who alone reigns and is King of King and Lord of Lords. We look to Him, not any leader, no matter what his political party or affiliation. Even those we consider good men, are men at best and sinners who will fail us in one way or another. I hope we don't get too carried away with our desires to see the America we want to see. I hope our desires are grounded in a love for God and our fellow man, as Jesus said they should be. I hope as we fight for freedom, we remember that more important than anything else, true freedom is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ and that America will only have true freedom if she returns to Him.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Feed the Children

Other than good Christian broadcasting, which is getting more and more difficult to find, I like listening to conservative talk radio. I like the talk radio hosts which are not so loud and brash and controversial. I like the ones who talk about issues without being ridiculous or insulting. But I do want them to "tell it like it is" and call a duck a duck if it quacks and walks like one. You know what I mean. The station which I prefer lately is Radio 990, WNTP, which airs in my area, but as with all radio stations, you can get it online. I won't talk about the particular shows I don't like, but will say that my favorite one is Bill Bennett's "Morning in America." I listen most days after having my devotions and while making and having breakfast. Works out nicely, as it finishes up about the time I need to get to teaching chores and housework. I also like Dennis Prager; I can get some of that one during lunchtime.

Did you know there are hungry children in America? Some people didn't know that, but it is true, unfortunately. And even more sadly, there are plenty of them. Well, Radio 990 is joining in an annual campaign with the Feed the Children organization. This is a group we already support and may be one you would like to look into. You know, as conservatives, we believe that it's not the government which should be taking care of us. We believe that individuals and churches can and should fulfill the mandate of Scripture to help the needy. But you know, as conservatives, we also need to be people of action and not just ideals. So, I think that is one of the reasons that the people on WNTP are strongly encouraging people to help this organization, if at all possible. The current liberals in power want the citizens of our country to think that large government is the answer to everything. Now, we beg to differ, right?

Hey, I have another suggestion. Check out this post I made on our Hands and Hearts site to see what that is. One of many ways to save money so you have more to give.

Let's all pray that we can find more ways to be useful and caring while we're complaining. I have to tell that to myself all the time. Often it is said that we can make a difference, and I believe that's true. Imagine if every one who were able to would exchange a meal or two(or some of the other things we lavish on ourselves) and send in $25.00 to help with the real needs in our country (note I said REAL)? Wouldn't that be better than being taxed to death?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fort Hood Terrorist Attack

Wake up, America. Return to your Judeo-Christian roots. I sincerely believe, and many of us have been saying for a while now, that unless this country returns to the triune God, we are done.

Praying for these families . . .

Saturday, November 07, 2009

VOM Day of Prayer 2009

"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." Hebrews 13:3 (KJV)

Are you going to church tomorrow? This is just a quick reminder of a need that is always with us: The need to pray for our persecuted brethren. November 8th has a special emphasis, though, as Voice of the Martyrs is asking churches in the United States and all over the world to set aside time to pray for those who are suffering for the sake of Jesus. Please do, and please encourage those in leadership positions to bring this before your congregation. We cannot pray for these dear saints too much. And let me say this: we never know when persecution is coming our way.

Here is more information about this International Day of Prayer.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

No Repeat

My dear Phillies went into the World Series trying to defend their World Championship crown from last year and be the first National League team to repeat in a long time. Well, the Yankees said "No, you can't keep it; we want it and we're gonna get it." And sadly for my team, the Yankees did just that and took it away. Wasn't that mean of them? Don't we teach our children not to snatch when someone else has something? Tch, tch, the Yankees just have no manners whatsoever. Oh boy, I guess I have to excuse it this time and begrudgingly offer them and their fans my congratulations. And in case you are wondering, I am NOT sorry that I changed my allegiance from the Yanks to the Phils. And boy, have I!

I think I appreciated this Phillies team even more than I did last year when they won. Somehow, watching them during that final inning touched me as a fan. As a commenter wrote this morning on a blog post by one of the players: "Even in Shane's [Victorina] final at-bat tonight, even tho you were down 4 runs, with 2 outs in the 9th he did not just give up and took a 10 pitch at-bat. And that to me represents this team." I would agree. Sure, they did upset me by not playing as well as I think they can in many situations during the series. I see some areas of needed changes. But I won't talk about that now. I just wanted to affirm my "fan" status and to say that I am looking forward to next year.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Republican Governor for NJ?

Well, some hopeful signs yesterday. Quite a few of them, actually. As far as what happened in my state with the election of Christie, let me say that he's a moderate, not a conservative, but realistically that all we can expect for now. In my estimation, it's a huge step for that to happen here in a state that is as blue as they come. Let's hope it's the beginning of something big and needful across our country in the critical three years ahead. At any rate, this made me more hopeful. Well, at least for now.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Praise Him, All Ye Little Children

This little children's praise song is a favorite of mine and I felt inclined to share it with you today. Some of you may not know, but one of the earliest publications which we did in our home business was a photo album entitled "Verses and Hymns for the Very Young." Shortly after publishing it, we produced a cassette by the same title, with voices of my own children and the children of some very close friends of ours. Of all of our publications, the popularity of this little cassette exceeded everything else. We still have folks asking us to put it into dvd form, and we are hoping that it won't be long until we're in a position to do so.

"Praise Him, Praise Him, all Ye Little Children," is one of the songs included and may be my favorite one on the cassette. The reason is personal. You see, the two children singing this particular song are my two daughters. It's the only piece on it which has just the two of them singing together. They were seventeen and five at the time; not professional singers, but two young hearts singing the praises of a great God. The older one understood what she was singing about; I think the younger one didn't then (she does now), but it will always be a special blessing to this mother when she hears it:

Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love;
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love.

Thank Him, Thank Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love;
Thank Him, Thank Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love.

Serve Him, Serve Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love.
Serve Him, Serve Him, all ye little children,
God is love, God is love.

There is also "love Him." That is most important. Don't you pray your children and grandchildren will love Him? If they do, then they can truly praise, thank, and serve Him in the days to come. Do you know the tune? Here is a piano version I found on YouTube, but the singing on our cassette was at a much slower tempo:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hot Dog!

Dinner for tonight! Looks good, right? Ours won't be cooked on the outside grill, but I like them just as much panfried. I know, I know, they're not that good for you, but it's the opening night of the World Series!! What goes better with baseball than hot dogs? So that's what we're all about tonight. You would not believe how much excitement there is in the northeast where I live over this World Series. I have never seen anything quite like it. Yankees fans and Phillies fans are really going at it! I hope everyone takes it for what it really is--a game. Lots of fun, yes, but we all should remember it's just a game, and at the end of it all, whoever wins, we need to keep in mind that


Monday, October 26, 2009

Pink Slips

Did you see this? I saw this on the Mom's Network and thought I would pass it along. Read the article dated October 23rd in World Net Daily. I plan to take part; hope maybe some of you will too.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ashamed of Jesus?

A couple of blog posts I read yesterday brought a hymn to mind, which we sing in my church now and then. Reading these words should make each of us think. As you probably know, it's not popular to be a Christian these days. We have not reached the point where we have to worry about physical persecution in this country, but I do believe there is a sense in which persecution for our faith has begun. I think we've come to a time where it's "easier" if you don't let your faith in Christ show too much. Maybe, you can go further in your profession or get better grades in school. Maybe you can do bigger and better things if you're not bogged down with too much "Christianity." Maybe, maybe, maybe a lot of things if you are not so fanatical about Jesus. I sure hope that you and I will take heed to these words, and that none of us are ever ashamed of our Lord. No matter what it costs us.

Jesus, and shall it ever be,
A mortal man ashamed of thee?
Ashamed of thee whom angels praise,
Whose glories shine through endless days!

Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far
Let evening blush to own a star:
He sheds the beams of light Divine
O'er this benighted soul of mine.

Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon
Let midnight be ashamed of noon;
'Tis midnight with my soul till he,
Bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee.

Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend
On whom my hopes of heav'n depend!
No; when I blush, be this my shame,
That I no more revere his Name.

Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may
When I've no guilt to wash away,
No tear to wipe, no good to crave,
No fears to quell, no soul to save.

Till then—nor is my boasting vain—
Till then I boast a Saviour slain;
And O may this my glory be,
That Christ is not
ashamed of me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quick Birthday Wishes

This is the biggest size I could get this picture to go, but I wanted to show you my daughter and her husband not too long after they were married. One prayer that we all have for our children is that the Lord will send them each a godly spouse. Well, I just wanted to say that we are thankful that He has done just that for our daughter. Our son-in-law is a good provider who loves his wife and children and tries to lead his family in the ways of the Lord.

Today is his birthday and I didn't want the day to end without my having wished him a very happy one. Praying the richest blessings of the Lord in the days ahead, and that he will seek our God in all that life brings.

Happy Birthday, dear Edie!

Repeat! Repeat!

We are happy campers around this house! Last night the Phillies defeated the Dodgers to clinch the NLCS and repeat as the winners of the National League title. Having won it all last year, they return to the World Series as defending champions to face the winner of the American League playoffs. It will be either the Yankees or the Angels, with most folks believing New York will win out as they now have a 3-1 lead in the series. Yanks need one more win to be in. Now wouldn't that be something? The defending world champions facing the team who has won more world champions than any other! And New York versus Philadelphia--they're less than two hours apart by car. Philadelphia mayor said today that it would be an Amtrak series. Tons of Phillies fans at the New York games and vice versa. Can't you just imagine?

Now, I thought this would be a big problem for me, but I have discovered that it's not. As a Yankees fan from childhood and a Phillies fan most of my adult life, I wondered who I would root for if they ever faced each other. Now that it's almost a reality, I can tell my heart is with the Phillies. I am far more emotional about them, probably because I live in the area and we listen to most of the games all year. We know all the players and all the ins and outs (and ups and downs) about the team. That works up a real fan allegiance. I have trouble getting the Yankees on the radio, having kept up with them "from afar." As one last act of loyalty, I am wearing my Yankees tee shirt today as I root them on against the Angels tonight. If they don't clinch it tonight, I'll root for them until the American League winner is determined. But after that, it's all PHILLIES!!!!

Congrats to our team, who took us on quite a ride this year and now can claim the pennant for the second year in a row! GO PHILS!

Isn't it nice to have something to be happy about, even though it has little significance to life? Kind of therapeutic wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Word to Dissenters

Some of my thoughts and views are not agreeable to some people. That's the way life is, right? I thought this is a good time to mention something that I will no doubt be mentioning again from time to time: This is my blog where I express myself. Others have blogs where they express themselves. There are many of those folks with whom I disagree. But I would never go to someone else's blog and express harsh words to them because of their opinions. They have a right to those opinions and I respect that. I want others to do the same for me. That is the reason that I reject certain comments that come in. Enough said about that.

But I do want to respond to something a commenter said to me. I want to say that I have only one hero. And His name is Jesus. He is my all and all and my hope for heaven. No person, no country, no political party, no particular race. Just Jesus. He is the One I hope my granddaughters come to trust and believe in. Then they will be safe no matter what this world brings their way.And I want to say that is my desire for you too if you come to visit my blog. You may not agree with me, but what I think is not that important. However, what the Bible teaches and what God thinks is. And He would have you to be saved and trust in Jesus. He offers salvation to you freely. Won't you consider the Lord Jesus as your Savior? He has said that all who come to Him He will in no wise cast out. That includes you.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Monday, October 19, 2009

Moms: America Needs You!

A new website is being officially launched today and I must tell you about it. All moms and grandmoms (and those who love moms and grandmoms), please consider being involved. I encourage you to join and see what it's all about. The three moms who have been instrumental in getting this network off the ground have adopted for it (with some modification) the nine principles and twelve core values of Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project. I don't think any of you will have any problem with these principles and values. This is from the main page of the new site:

"Will you join us in renewing our minds, changing how we think about the role of motherhood, standing up for the God inspired principles of our nation and instructing our children as we were commanded in Deuteronomy 6:6-12? We have many groups, discussions, blogs, ministry to help you take back your family and your country so come on in and let the changes begin. "

I have already joined this network and like what I see thus far. Groups are being formed as I write (you could start one too if you wanted to) and those of us who were "head start" members are inviting folks. Hopefully,news about this will spread across the country and moms will have a place to be informed and edified, which hopefully will be beneficial for the future of America. And who can better deal with the future than mothers? I hope you all will want to be a part. You would better understand once you became a member and if you find (which I doubt) that you don't like it, there is a place where you can go to leave the network. And like all internet networks, becoming a member does not mean you have to do anything at all except read what's going on as your time allows. You can even control the number of emails you get, even to the point of getting none at all. But being a member means you can involve yourself when and if you want to.

I have begun sending out emails, and some of you who are my blog friends may get one. I hope you'll join up with me and other women who are already excited about this. In fact, I hope this spreads across our nation like a wildfire!!! It is SORELY needed. Who knows that moms may be the ones to turn things around!

Come sign up and look around: The 9/12 Mom's Network. When you are on board, look for me so we can be "friends." And oh, would you do me another favor and tell others? These ladies are not well known celebrities, but ordinary folks like you and me. So we need to have that old word of mouth communication about this, as it won't be told on the news.

By the way again, the above photo is of my older granddaughter when she was two. We took this for an edition of our SG newsletter which dealt with teaching patriotism to our children and I thought it an appropriate picture for this post. I hope my grandchildren will grow up to love their country, but I sure do hope their country is worthy of that love. Maybe, just maybe, we can have something to do with that.

UPDATE: I realize now that you can go to the site and see all the pages without being a member, so this is good. That will help you see for yourself what it's all about. You may find you aren't into the social networking thing, as some people aren't. And I want to emphasize again: Some people cannot be as involved as others, because I know I am limited with my time, but I do want to do what I can to help when and where I can. I especially hope this site will be helpful in emphasizing the need to teach our children good Christian values in a time when those values are so desperately needed.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

O For a Closer Walk With God

O for a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame,
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

Where is the blessedness I knew,
When first I saw the Lord?
Where is the soul refreshing view
Of Jesus and His Word?

The dearest idol I have known,
Whate’er that idol be
Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
And worship only Thee.

So shall my walk be close with God,
Calm and serene my frame;
So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the Lamb.

~ William Cowper

Friday, October 16, 2009

Phillies Pup

Sorry, I couldn't resist. You know how hard it is for me to resist posting cute doggies. And this one is a Phillies fan. I swiped this off of our local Fox webpage, where they have loads of neat photos of fans, including babies and pets. I think the red on the white is quite attractive, don't you? Not that I would ever do such a thing to our Frodo, but he is an all black cocker mix and I think the red on black would look even better. With the current climate in the country these days, thought I should mention that I'm not being racial or anything, folks...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ahh, Fall

What an absolutely gorgeous day we're having in my area. You've heard me say it before and no doubt will hear me say it again: I love October. Neesie and I just got back from our daily walk and I said to her that for me, it's perfect fall weather. My husband thinks it's a bit "nippy," but that's the best part about the season, in my estimation. However, remember that you are listening to a person who intensely dislikes summer, with the heat and humidity, and BUGS! You know about my recent battles with fleas and mosquitoes, and I'm wishing for their soon to come demise. My poor doggy is still suffering from the effects of something. Even with the flea medication, he's scratching and biting himself terribly, so now I'm fearing he has some type of allergy. The vet had told me once that some dogs are allergic to flea bites and that they keep scratching long after the flea is gone. We're keeping our eye on him.

At any rate, I just wanted to mention some of the pleasant autumn things that filtered through my senses today: On my skin was the feel of the crisp, cool air; through my eyes was the sight of the oranges and reds displayed by the trees and squirrels, many of them babies, scurrying about gathering the many acorns all over the yards; through my ears came the sounds of the leaves crunching at our feet and the blue jays making their harsh noisy calls to each other; and there was the smell of the Swedish Apple Bake which I made early for breakfast, and best of all, the yummy taste of it which I enjoyed with my morning coffee. Apples--one of the best features of autumn!

It's hard to believe that the month is half over. I wish I could hold onto it and slow it down. Oh! And one of my favorite aspects of the month is the baseball playoffs. They are REALLY exciting this year. The Phillies and Yankees both made it through the first round and each team is about to face their respective opponents for the league championships. There is no way they can both win and end up facing each other in the World Series--right? Nooo, that can't happen! What would I do? Since the Phils are the current defending champs from last year, the odds are against a repeat. At least I think that's how it works. Oh well, whatever. We're having lots of fun and nervous breakdowns along the way!

Hope you're enjoying your fall days. How's the weather there right now where you are? I was reading on the Yankees website that before they left Minnesota on Monday it was snowing! And Saturday's Phillies/Rockies game was called Saturday because of cold and snow. Any friends in the South? How's it down there?

Monday, October 12, 2009

History/Government Quiz

Today, someone sent me an email entitled "History Quiz on Columbus Day," which quiz I took a little bit ago. I was somewhat surprised that I did a little better than I thought I would, but it was nothing to be proud of. Often people talk about how little our children know about U.S. history, but according to this email, 96% of high school seniors failed this, and 50% of people over fifty years old did too. The email said 23 out of 30 is considered passing. Oh dear. In that case, I think I failed. Those last ten questions are what did it. Go here and take the quiz--I think you'll enjoy it. Let me know how you make out! :-)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ladybug Party!

A little girl doesn't realize it, but today is her first birthday, and to celebrate, she's having a BIG party--with a "ladybug" theme! Lots of folks will be there, some family and some friends. I wonder how she'll like it. It's been my experience that the guest of honor seldom appreciates his/her one year old party. We'll see!! I hope to take some pictures and if so, I'll let you see a few.


(She looks a little worried, doesn't she?)

Well, I kept my reputation of terrible picture taking. I hardly took a decent one at the party, but wanted to share at least one. The following is of one of her happier moments; the best part of the day was eating the cake and opening the presents. Here's one from the latter, but other than those two activities, she could have done without the day. But the rest of us all had a great time!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Bloggers: Support Our Troops

A blogger friend named Sandra just made a wonderful post drawing our attention to the troops who are all over the world serving our country and protecting our freedoms. She particularly emphasized those serving in Afghanistan. I strongly encourage you to go read this post entitled "You are Someone Special in my Life." In her post, Sandra is encouraging other bloggers to blog something about the troops, but more importantly, to pray for them. So that's what I'm doing here. Would you do the same? Would anyone who is reading this post and Sandra's also take a few minutes to show support on your blog of our men and women in the military who are putting their lives on the line for our country? Let's all join together in prayer! Let's pray that God would indeed be the power behind them.

Didn't your heart bleed, as mine did, when you heard the news of last weekend's loss of life in Afghanistan? One of them was a young man who lived in my state, in a county next door to mine. There were quite a few families across the country who got that dreaded visit this week when officers knocked on their doors. Aren't you a bit on pins and needles waiting to see what's going to happen with all the drama between the White House and the generals? What a time to pray for these soldiers and their families! Thank you, Sandra, for your timely reminder.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Drop of a Bucket

From my morning devotions:

Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. Isaiah 40:15

All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. Isaiah 40:17

Now I encourage (dare) you to read the rest of the passage in Isaiah 40, from verse 12 on, and let God put all of us in our place. Just to be clear, the "he" and "him" in the verses are referring to the Lord God of this universe. You and I know (at least we should) that we are but a drop in the bucket in the vast scheme of things, over which He alone has absolute control. By the way, that would also include Iran, and China, and North Korea, and others big in the news. Oh, and by the way also, that would include America. Remind the folks in Washington of this, would you, though I doubt if they really comprehend it. Oh, and while you're at it, tell all of the elites in the mainstream media--even if they do call you a crazy.

Boy, was it ever refreshing to read that once again.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Iran, Iran

What a sad state of affairs. What a world. What a mess. And Iran. What to say about this country? The topic of the ongoing saga concerning the hidden nuke site has been given top attention on all the news stations and blogs, and rightfully so, of course. But there is something about Iran that does not get talked about much in Washington or in news reports. They persecute Christians there. They are one of many nations who will put someone in jail (or worse) simply because that person believes in Jesus. I just got an email from VOM about two women who are being held in jail in Tehran for that very reason. Two women who refuse to renounce their faith. Oh, the courage of so many believers who live in these restricted nations. As you enjoy your Lord's Day in your churches today (it's just after midnight here), remember these two precious ladies and the many others like them all over this world. As you pray for the situation in Iran, don't just pray about the nuclear weapons; please pray also for the brave ones being persecuted. Remember their bonds.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Pause to Celebrate

Please won't you indulge me a minute while I celebrate the Phillies' winning the National League East title. Off to the playoffs we go. Have a few concerns as to how we'll make out there, but for now we're celebrating this big step. Above is the Philly Phanatic, our mascot. He's doing a dance with us. GO PHILLIES!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Will Rogers' Reflections

Will Rogers died in 1935. I sure wish he was around today so that he could make some more observations. He would have a field day. But then, what he saw then was not too different from what he would see now. Only now it's a lot worse. Well, here are a few of his amusing quotes from my daughter's lit book. I'll probably be coming from time to time with other nuggets from either her literature or history books. Thank God, ABeka is still teaching solid American History and may I say, teaching it quite well. They also do a great job of giving the students thoughts from the hearts and minds of many of the great Americans (of all races) who made this country unlike any other.

Now a few chuckles from Will. That is, if you're still able to laugh about these things. Which quote is your favorite?

  • I am going to Washington as a delegation of one from the American Comedians' Association to get us some aid. No industry has been hit worse than us professional humorists. There is just too much unconscious amateur talent among our elected officials.

  • Say, can't you just see a Cabinet meeting? The secretary of war reports: "Sir, wars--none; peace--none; average: 50 percent." The postmaster general reports: "Sir, so many letters sent, so many letters received, so many letters lost."; The secretary of agriculture reports: "Sir, farms in the U.S.--eleven million; farms mortgaged--eleven million; farms carrying second mortgages--10,998,634. The department reports progress." The secretary of labor reports: "Sir, number of people laboring--ten million; people living off people laboring--ninety eight million, including twenty-three million government employees."

  • If you want to know when a war might be coming, you just watch the U.S. and see when it starts cutting down on its defenses. It's the surest barometer in the world.

  • Well, I'll tell you, the country is doing fine, if we can just keep some prominent man from getting up and crab it by saying: "We have reached the bottom."

  • A fool that knows he is a fool, is one that knows he don't know all about anything. But the fool that don't know he is a fool, is the one that thinks he knows all about anything.
  • I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.

Friday, September 25, 2009

May the Dog Tag Be True

My younger daughter has a ministry where she sends birthday cards to soldiers who are serving overseas, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. She does this through a Christian lady who heads up a group of people who have a heart for this. Since our pastor writes gospel tracts, we thought we would get him to do one for this purpose, so he's writing one that Neesie can include with her cards. Well, I've been helping him look for a graphic for this military tract and ran across several that I liked. This one was my favorite. Look at the dog tags. How does that one in particular make you feel? (click on the picture if it's hard for you to read what it says.) Wow. How seriously we need to be keeping before the Lord on this matter.

Anyway, this post is a reminder, though I know most of you have not forgotten our troops. Let's continue to pray for their safety and protection, of course, but also that the words on this one dog tag might someday be true again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rooting for the Underdog

If you are like most folks, you tend to root for the underdog is most matters of life. I think we all do. As many of you know, one of my great joys is bird feeding. But one thing you have to realize if you are going to be an ardent feeder of songbirds is that you are also going to attract hawks, who want to make a meal out of those darling little feathered cuties coming to your yard. All during the fall and winter months, this is a common occurrence in our backyard. Even though I've been told on many an occasion that "the hawks have to eat too" and "this is the way God made them," I always, ALWAYS cheer when the little guys escape when the enemy rushes in. And I always, ALWAYS am sad when a hawk gets his dinner from among my clientele.

And of course, there's sports. Unless, of course, it's one of the teams that I'm a fan of, I usually am pushing for whoever is not favored to win. Now in baseball, it looks as though there is a good chance that both of my teams, the Yankees and the Phillies, are headed to the playoffs, and if either is favored in a particular game, you can be sure I won't be rooting for the underdog in that case. Now, please don't ask me what I will do if they face each other in the World Series! Red shirt when they're in Philly maybe and blue shirt when they're in New York?

This brings me to the point of my post. One of my very favorite journalists, Thomas Sowell, wrote a great article today. It's all about underdogs, starting with an interesting synopsis of the career of baseball catcher Ernie Lombardi of the former New York Giants. I really like the way Mr. Sowell ties this all to himself personally. It's unusual for him to talk about his own life and he makes such a good analogy to what many of us believe politically, that I thought it was good reading to help us keep our perspective on all these things.

I'd like to add that first we look to God to take care of us. Then we pray for a strong initiative, and lots of determination. Just like Mr. Sowell had after his rough beginning.
Read his article here.

Then I was thinking about the many underdogs among us who could really use a helping hand. I sure wish more of the many churches of our country would step up to the plate. Maybe that would help to get the government out of the batter's box.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Hope

"On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.’ These are the words that came to the heart and mind of a man named Edward Mote while on his way to his job as a cabinetmaker. During the day, the stanzas came to him. I know many of us have said it many times, but it's almost as if many of these hymns were inspired by God. So many of these writers were men and women whose relationship with the Lord was so close, and they knew the Word of God so well, that these biblical expressions just poured forth out of them like water bursting out of an overflowing reservoir. Oh, that I could be filled with love for the Savior and His Word in a way that comes close to that of these old saints. If only I had fewer distractions keeping me from a heart of dedication like the hearts of many who have gone before. Praise the Lord for these old saints, though. They have left us a heritage. I only hope we will treasure its value as we should.

How biblical is that: our only hope is nothing less than Jesus Christ and His blood and righteousness? We may get a bit bent out of shape over the condition of the world that we live in, but those of us who have Christ have the one hope for this life and the next. May we glory in that.

He alone is my Hope. Is He yours also? I have no righteousness of my own, but am covered in His. Are you?

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.’

~ Edward Mote 1797-1874

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hi, It's Me

Finally, after all this time of blogging, I have decided to put a profile picture. Now you can see that I'm a person, and not those two bears. See the top of my granddaughter's head barely visible in the picture? Quite appropriate, I would say. I cut her off, however, because I didn't want to put one little grand without the other and decent photos of me are extremely hard to come by.

Happy Friday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sorry to bring up this unpleasant topic and to display this photo, but this little lady shown above (and her sisters) is driving me batty. Unfortunately, late summer and early fall around here are made quite unpleasant by these critters. And now, they're coming into the house every chance they get. Let the dog in, and usually at least one seems to get a free ride inside. We usually kill at least about three mosquitoes a day somewhere in any one of our rooms and today, while getting my lunch, I killed one on my face! And she had blood in her!! Probably mine, as they LOVE me.

Just wondering: Do you have a mosquito problem where you live? Also, do they bite you and do you get whelps like I do? They don't seem to bother my daughter and I know a few other people like that. I wonder why they prefer certain folks over others. This is one area of popularity I could do without. Another question. It's my understanding that only the females bite. Could someone tell me why 99.5% of them are women?!

Oh well, waiting for the first frost.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I am encouraged. For one thing, I was encouraged by the happenings in Washington on Saturday the 12th. If you have not read about it, please do!

But what really made me feel not so alone on where I stand on the issues, most particularly, about what is going on in America, is this article written by a lady who none of us have ever heard of. But judging by the comments she received on this article, I don't think it's the last time we'll hear from Mary. From the comments, it seems that people of all races were excited and warmed by this article, and it's one more thing that is starting to make me feel as though there is hope. But why wouldn't there be hope? Christians have been praying!

I think some of you may read posts at the "American Thinker" site. I've heard of it, but never have gone there much. I read at another blog that someone was recommending that folks read the article so I went. I am glad I did and thought perhaps you would like it too. Here it is. You'll get the most benefit from this if you have time to also read what most of the commenters have to say. Of course, there would be the expected comments from "trolls," but they are greatly outnumbered. So, by and large, it is one more thing that the Lord has sent to help us to keep pressing on.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril, or sword? (Romans 8:35); Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37); And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge...(Eph. 3:19) Unto him who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. (Rev. 1:5)

Jesus, Lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll,
While the tempest still is high:
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide,
O receive my soul at last!

Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone,
Still support and comfort me!
All my trust on thee is stayed,
All my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenseless head
With the shadow of thy wing.

Thou, O Christ, art all I want;
More than all in thee I find:
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
Heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is thy Name;
I am all unrighteousness;
False and full of sin I am,
Thou art full of truth and grace.

Plenteous grace with thee is found,
Grace to cover all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound;
Make and keep me pure within:
Thou of life the Fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee;
Spring thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity.

~ Charles Wesley, 1740

Amen, Mr. Wesley. Amen and Amen.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Way of Remembering

I don't know why, but there was something about this video that hit me. For some reason it made me teary. Actually, I was looking for something completely different to post about 9/11, but in my pursuit, I clicked on this out of curiosity. Maybe it struck something in me because of all of the talk this week about presidents and school children. Apparently, this video shows our then President after he heard about the second plane hitting the trade center. At that point, he was sitting there listening to these darling kids reciting their letters and sounds, while processing events that were to change our nation forever. Imagine, this man in the position he held, having just heard what he had, and needing to maintain his composure and continue to be interested in what was happening in this classroom. Early in the video you will see when someone comes over and whispers to him that earthshaking, historic information.

We all remember where we were and the circumstances we were in when we first heard the news about the attack. But imagine these children now and in the years to come. I would guess that they're in their early teens now. Do they ever have something to talk about when they remember 9/11. They will really have something to tell their children when that day is remembered in the years to come.

And of course, he will always remember that place and those circumstances when he first learned about it. Events that followed in the years to come would prove to make him fiercely hated by some and intensely loved and appreciated by others. In the news, we were to find that we would hear little about the latter. Later that day, in a short message to the nation at Andrews AFB, he said: "We will do all that is necessary to protect America and the American people" from such a thing ever happening again. I believe that he meant it with all his heart, and that he did just what he said he would do.

So, this is my way of remembering 9/11 this year, amidst fervent prayers for the country I love. Many people across this land are meeting today at county courthouses to pray. I wasn't able to go myself, but I sure can do the praying part. Please dear Lord, bless America, and help her, and forgive her.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're Desperate

One of the things that irks me the most about this ongoing controversy over health care is that the current administration, with the help of the media, consistently presents the position of those on the other side as being against reform. To me, they make you think that the GOP doesn't want anything to change. Conservatives DO acknowledge that there needs to be changes. The Republicans in Congress have drafted good solid proposals for change. But they're not being heard. Offers to sit down and discuss these proposals have been refused. As wrong as Rep. Wilson from South Carolina may have been in his conduct last night, I do understand how frustrated many of these people must be.

We do need change, as I just said. I think everyone knows that. No one is really saying otherwise. But we want change that is good and right for all. Let's be real and honest about this thing. Let's not play games. Listen, for every sad, sad story that people can tell about real people in America who have had tragic results from our system, there are even more sad, sad stories coming out of Europe and Canada about the sufferings of people who have nationalized health care. Let's not exchange stories, but facts. Real facts. "We can swap health care horror stories all day, Mr. President, but at the end of the day, people still come to America from all across the world to be treated in our hospitals, by our doctors, with technology created by our free market system." says Jeff Shreiber of America's Right. Jeff has a very comprehensive analysis of last night's speech. He's up on the bill and knows his stuff. I suggest anyone who really wants to understand this matter better, to read his post.

This is not what I wanted to say initially. Just had to vent a bit first. I came here to post this: We are in a desperate need in this country. We are only concerned about health issues, economic woes, education, human rights, etc. Our leaders and unfortunately, most of our people are not the least bit concerned about the horrible state our nation is in spiritually. Yes, we have needs. Some of them have to do with problems with medical care; some have to do with the state of the economy; some have to do with problems in our public educational system. But we are a nation of people who have turned our backs on the God who has providentially guided and helped us. We have rejected the Savior who is the only hope for eternity. And in that, my friends, our need is most desperate.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Birthday Followup

Following up on the last post: A few pictures from Lena's special day. Threw one in of Shana too so you can see how she's growing. Her birthday is next! (October)

Opening one of the gifts we gave her. It was a set of magnetic shapes to build with.

Shae-Shae enjoyed her sister's birthday!

Lena loved it when we sang Happy Birthday--especially the part when she heard her name. She's heard it sung so much to other people!

Friday, September 04, 2009

Somebody's Three

A special somebody, named Selena, is three years old today. Where on earth did the time go? It was just yesterday that I made this post and this one wasn't it? Well, three years HAVE passed and today we go over to her house to celebrate with her, her mommy and daddy, and her little sister. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Growing tall, talking up a storm, and busy as she can be with her coloring, drawing, and other busy work. Soon to start preschool with her mama (she's sooo excited), books are a favorite. You often see her cozy on the couch with loads of them, and she's always ready for someone to read to her. That's our "Lena."

If you have time, please go over to her Mama's blog to read her heart for her little girl.

Well, one thing hasn't changed and never will: Her Nanna loves her very much.

Happy Birthday, Nanna's girl!