Saturday, June 02, 2007

O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

I have loved you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3

I can't think of a more appropriate hymn for this week than this particular one. This is a week when I've heard of or talked to many dear folks who are undergoing one trial or another. Some of these people are burdened and weary, and I can think of no better hymn to give them than this lovely expression of truths found in Scriptures such as Jeremiah 31:3.

Some time ago (1999 to be exact), Speakable Gifts, our home business, published a cassette and accompanying journal, called "Verses and Hymns for the Weak and Weary." Of all the songs included, this one is close to being my top choice for hurting saints and as was pointed out in the journal, it is deeply moving and artistic, having been written by its author, George Matheson, as the "fruit of much mental suffering." (Now and then I put in a plug for one of our products, so please forgive me for that here.)

If you're not familiar with this hymn, I urge you to read its wonderful words at and then read the tragic, but triumphant, story of Mr. Matheson. Then, play its tune--it's beautiful.

This is by far my favorite stanza. Catch what's being said here, friends, because it's a fantastic piece of writing by a man who painted a picture of what our glorious Lord is to His loved ones in their weakness and weariness. The whole hymn if like that!

O Light that foll'west all my way,
I yield my flick'ring torch to Thee;
My heart restores its borrowed ray,
That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day
May brighter, fairer be.
~George Matheson


Beka said...

Marvelous hymn. It has truly spoken to my soul during difficult times. And I think the verse you posted is my favorite, too!

Beverly said...

I love this hymn as well. It always has spoken to my heart.

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

I forgive you! ;)

I love this hymn. I hum it to myself when life is especially frightening and I feel far away from my Father... He will not let me go. Oh, how comforting.

Theresa's Notes said...

I so like your blog :) Every time I come here I get a happy feel and always have a smile on my face. Great Post, as always!