In The Beginning
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11
VBS is all done now and what a blessed week it was. For most of us, we were most thankful for the fact that there were quite a few children from the town where our church is, children to whom we were able to teach God's truth about the origin and meaning of life. Yes, our theme was the creation: they learned particulars about each day of creation, with crafts, recreation, and snacks to coincide with what they were learning about each of those days. Each day, they also had a story time with a missionary friend of our church. The kids had loads of fun and we're hopeful that much of the Bible learning from the week will be stored away somewhere in their little hearts and minds. May the Lord use it to His glory in future days to come. Only He can determine how and when.
I thought I'd share the little theme song they sang for each day's opening time, as well as when some of them came back for the closing program on Sunday night (picture above) and sang:
God made the sunshine bright,
Stars that twinkle in the night;
He made the butterfly,
See the butterfly flutter by.
God made me, and everything
that in this world I see;
For His own glory
God made everything and me.
God made the kangaroo,
Fish that swim in the ocean blue;
He made the bear and lion,
Sticky prickly porcupine.
God made me, and everything
that in this world I see;
For His own glory
God made everything and me.
God made me, and everything
that in this world I see;
For His own glory
God made everything and me.
Many of you have also expressed what a joy it is to teach young hearts about our great Creator God. I can think of little else in life that we can do more important, be it our own children and grandchildren, or someone else's.

And by the way, we're leaving to go up to Lancaster County,Pa. to the Sight and Sound Theater there to see a production on this same topic: the creation. The title is "In the Beginning." We're spending a couple of days up there and looking forward to a little relaxation and the good food that always a part of going to Dutch country, as we call it. See you when we get back!
Yes, VBS did go quite well.
I am really looking forward to our trip too!!!
I am happy to hear the your VBS went well.
Have a wonderful trip and stay safe!
Oops, lol that last comment was from me. My son forgot to sign out :)
I'm glad your VBS was a blessing. That is a cute little song. I need to write more songs for children. Have a wonderful trip.
I am so glad and happy for you that VBS went so well. I am sure that the children learned many things that they will always remember as well as those who taught them.
Hope you all enjoy your trip. connie
Dear Maxine,
I hope you have a great time and a time of rest. VBS is such a wonderful outreach for children. God bless you for serving in it.
Godbless you for helping with VBS! Your vacation sounds like fun - enjoy it,and let us know the highlights when you get back!
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