Today a blogger friend of mine had a very nice post about her wedding, with loads of lovely pictures, wherein she indicated she was taking part in a "Wedding Blog Party." I was immediately interested, partly because I'm a June bride and just had an anniversary, and also because our home business is diligently seeking to venture out and minister to brides with a new line of gifts and favors. So because of that, lately I've been particularly interested in all things wedding related.After thinking about it and wanting to take part, I then wondered what in the world I would do, since I'm too short on time to copy a bunch of photos from our album, and since presumably we were to tell our stories, that might take me a while. Then I thought of a post I made in 2007 for our anniversary, and thought it would be fitting and proper to post it again for this occasion. Hope you like it!Stephanie at Angelic Accents is the host of this little party, so if you like wedding stories and photos, you might want to visit there. Wow, you should see Stephanie's collection of wedding things and lots of other items as well! Now, here's a trip down memory lane from a thankful wife: 
The Tale of an Arranged Marriage
Once upon a time there was a young lady who dwelt in a humble house in a humble little town in a nearby land. It came to pass that this young lady, who was an ardent baseball fan, became friends with a married couple who lived in a house which was on her selfsame block.
So it was that a few years before, in a faraway territory of the country, this married couple had met a nice young man who was on tour with a minor league baseball team. It later happened that at the time of our tale, the man of the married couple became employed by a local soft drink company. Lo and behold, he was amazed and delighted to find the same young man working there whom he had met some time before as a baseball player in that faraway territory.
The married couple thought that it would be a good idea if this young neighbor lady, who loved baseball, could meet this young co-worker man, who once played baseball. So they asked the young lady, who said “okay.” Then they asked the young man, who said “okay.” A phone number was given to the young man, whereupon a phone call was made to the young lady, and forthwith a first date took place—to where else? A baseball game
Time passed, and by and by, on the 12th day of June, in the year 1971, the young lady from the small town was taken as a bride by the young man who worked for the soft drink company. It was shortly thereafter that this young married couple officially began journeying together with the very One who had arranged and orchestrated all of the details of their lives in order that the aforementioned marriage might take place. This same kind Benefactor has kindly provided them with two daughters, a son-in-law, and a precious granddaughter. He also has bountifully supplied them with love, peace, and harmony.
The picture above is of the newly married couple as they were cutting their wedding cake. Thirty-six years have passed since the hot, humid day in June of that year; the couple is no longer considered young; they have continued to abide in humble dwelling places; and baseball is no longer an important factor in their lives. They are still together by the mercies of the same One who arranged the whole union in the first place. Even though they continue to be recipients of abundant blessings from His hand, it will not be until both of them reach their real home in a far better land, claiming their mansions there while living in the presence of their King, that this couple will live happily ever after.
From me, the once young lady, to my dear hubby, the once young man: