Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mind Exerciser #4

Well, I think it's time for another of Aesop's Fables. As I said the last time, I am quite a fan of them and love to rewrite them for children, keeping out the violence and brutality. They have lessons, you know, and oftentimes there is more than one lesson that can be applied to a particular one. I think it's fun to look at them here from time to time and see what applications can be made by various people. The last time, I saw a particular message, but other people saw other things and no one was wrong. In fact, everyone--especially the teenagers--had wonderful words of wisdom. As is usually the case, various folks see various things and that's what makes them so interesting! So, here is the one I picked for today; it's not one of the more familiar ones. I like it that these fables are writings that you can "tamper" with and not worry about infringing anyone's copyright. After all, they've been passed down for generations and you can find multiple versions of most of them, anyway. So I altered it just a bit, but it's basically the same fable which I encountered in my resources.

See what morals, cautions, or words of wisdom you can glean from this one. I have a teaching that stands out to me, which I'm about to write down now. I'll post my "insights" on Friday, and I'm curious as to how many folks see what I'm seeing as a lesson. Here goes:

The Swallow and the Other Birds

There once was a time when a farmer had sowed some seeds in a very large field. An older Swallow and some other birds, who were a good deal younger, were hopping about picking up their feed. The Swallow pointed out certain seeds which had been sown among the other ones and said to the younger birds: "Beware of this farmer. See these larger seeds? They are hemp seeds that he has sown among the others. Be careful to pick up every one of them, or you will be sorry later."

The younger birds paid no heed to the Swallow's warning and only ate the smaller seeds, which were more to their liking. By and by, the hemp grew and the farmer used it to make into cord and of the cord, nets were made. Many a bird that had despised the Swallow's advice were caught in the nets made of that very hemp.

Remember, there is no right or wrong, and no winner. Any Scripture references which may apply are welcome too. Let me hear from you before Friday!


Theresa's Notes said...

I see,,, take heed to the words and wisdom of the older, because they know what they are talking about.

Lori said...

I agree with Theresa, but I also was thinking of Train up a child in the way that he should go...

It reminds me of our dedications at church when our pastor asks us to agree to helping the family raise their child and be a guardian to them as well.

Susan said...

Take care of problems or situations while they are small and you can, If you don't they'll grow big & overcome you.

Beverly said...

This reminds me of a couple of things:

First ... Proverbs 3:7 "Do not be wise in your own eyes ..."

Secondly, it reminds me of King Rehoboam in 1 Kings 12, who consulted the counselors of his father, Solomon. They gave him wise advice, but he decided to listen to the counsel of the young men to his detriment.
God gives us the gift of experienced saints who have walked the path much longer then we have. It would do us well to heed their counsel.

Beka said...

Proverbs 12:15 "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel."
I see here a lesson about the consequences of spurning wise counsel, and also the consequences of taking the easy or more enjoyable route instead of living on principle and obeying even if it means something will be less pleasurable in the immediate realm.