Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday Tips #6 - Save Your Back!
I just finished ordering something from Amazon and I'm very excited about it! I have been struggling with my vacuum cleaner for a while now, because lugging it around has not been good for my back, shoulders, and various other areas of my anatomy. Lately, getting up dog hair has been a never ending chore around here, at least until I can get my doggy to the groomer. Well, Bev told me about this neat little vc she just got and she's really loving it. She made a post about it yesterday at our business blog. I really encourage you to go read what she has to say. You may end up getting one too. You'll love the price ($20.00) and it qualifies for free shipping at Amazon! I just added one of those neat little devotional books by Elizabeth George ($7.99) and it took me over the $25 for free shipping. Go check it out at The SG Notebook. You also might want to leave a comment about any neat gadgets you have around your house.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Labels: housekeeping, Tuesday Tips
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Joy of Believer's Baptism
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11:28 PM
notes from friends
Labels: church life, family
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday Tips #5 - Walking
Well, we just talked about the benefits of drinking water, which we all know about. I've been doing much better this week, and hope I can keep it up and not fall off like I did before.
Today I want to talk about another very helpful way to reduce many health risks as well as to manage stress and release tension - walking. Even if you, like me, have little time to go to the gym or participate in an exercise program, we can at least walk more. Now that the weather is better, I hope to get back to walking around the neighborhood and getting in that mile plus a day, but some days we are so busy with life that we may have some trouble fitting in the time. We shouldn't, but sometimes we just don't get to it.
So how are you doing with physical activity in your home? Do you walk around your house briskly or are you sluggish about it? It makes a difference, you know. Some of you may remember a post I made some time ago about not sitting too much. I still remember that one and try to get up and down from the chair and move around every chance I get. It's not only about losing weight (which I need to do) but about helping our bodies and minds to function better.
I wanted to pass along these tips I just received from the American Heart Association. As they said, it's convenient, comfortable and safe to work out at home. So here are some things to think about:
- Do housework yourself instead of hiring someone else to do it. [They had to tell me that?]
- Work in the garden or mow the grass. Using a riding mower doesn't count!
- Rake leaves, prune, dig and pick up trash.
- Go out for a short walk before breakfast, after dinner, or both! Start with 5-10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes. [This is an excellent idea, but difficult for moms with small children at home.]
- Walk or bike to the corner store instead of driving. [Do people still have corner stores?]
- When walking, pick up the pace from leisurely to brisk. [Take a brisk spin around the mall once, then do the leisurely shopping thing.]
- Stand up while talking on the telephone. [Uh-oh.]
- Walk the dog. [Our Fro would sure appreciate this one.]
- Park farther away at the mall [or any store] and walk the extra distance. Wear your walking shoes and sneak in an extra lap or two around the mall. [Oops. I just said that.]
- Keep exercise equipment repaired and use it! [For those of you fortunate enough to have it.]
The brochure from the Heart Association has nice photos of families out walking together. Of all the activities we can do as a family, this is one of the best. Let's all strive to do this more!
Posted by
10:52 AM
notes from friends
Labels: Tuesday Tips
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Drinking Water
Do you drink enough water? If so, do you have a filter, drink tap water, or use the bottled kind?I'm just curious. Does the tap water in your home have fluoride in it? Ours does, but apparently many homes don't and you need to supplement.
Having said all that, I want you to take a look at the little boy below.

His name is Abdoumoumouni ( I have no idea how to pronounce it) and he lives in a village named Kokomani alongside the Niger River in Africa. It's strange that as I was about to make this post about drinking water, the World Vision eNews came into my inbox, with several articles about people who are suffering from a lack of clean water. This article about this village was one of them. I took it that the Lord's timing was that I should mention these dear folks to you in this post and set them forth as a matter of prayer. Perhaps you can even help in some way. World Vision is dear to our hearts in this household; we sponsor a Kenyan child through them. I really can't speak too highly of this organization. Who knows what you may be able to do: if you read the article, they have suggestions.
Well, it's getting to be time for me to wrap this up , but think about all this --I really would love to hear about you and your water drinking.
Posted by
9:20 PM
notes from friends
Labels: food and nutrition, prayer needs
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lord Monckton
I was reading, or rather skimming over, an article in World Magazine today, which was an interview with Lord Christopher Monckton, former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Lord Monckton had some good things to say about climate-change policies and I must admit some of this financial talk was over my head. But it was nice to hear some common sense coming out of Europe. Lately, I've been wondering if the whole world has gone mad, including our own dear country. I've pretty much pulled back a bit from reading as much about all of the national and international goings on., as it was starting to get to me a bit. It's not that I'm "putting my head in the sand"; I just think I was going a little overboard thinking about it too much. Things are still pretty bad, but I'm trying not to worry as much. Where we can do something as Christians, let's do it, but there are some things we simply must leave in the hands of the Lord. Personally, I think much of what is happening is His doing anyway. He has His purposes.
Anyway, I couldn't resist posting this picture of Lord Monckton. Love those Scottish outfits. Now that's when a man is a real man, when he can wear something like this with a smile.
Posted by
9:25 PM
notes from friends
Labels: national, news items
Friday, April 10, 2009
One Half Year!
In the midst of our Easter reflections, I thought I'd post a picture of our little Shae-Shae who turned six months old today. Just wanted you to see how she's grown from the last time. You may remember when I posted pictures of her when she was born. Can you believe this much time has passed already? Look at her-she's trying to crawl!
You can just imagine how much she's loved! Happy one-half birthday, Shana!
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9:19 PM
notes from friends
Labels: family
Thursday, April 09, 2009
There Was a Garden
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1:30 PM
notes from friends
Labels: books, devotionals, seasonal
Monday, April 06, 2009
Come On Over
Over on the sidebar, not too far down, you'll see the link to "The SG Notebook," which is the blog for our home business. As some of you know, Speakable Gifts provides inspirational publications and other gift items for families, especially children. Kids are important to us, and we do as much as we can to promote their growth in every way, especially in character. If you have youngsters at home, you also might want to try out the writing activities we have on our site.
Well, today I just posted that we're hosting our first giveaway and wanted to invite you to come over and leave a comment (or more) so that you can be in the running. Everything is explained there and when you get there, you'll see what it is that we're giving away! I sure would love it if one of my friends from this blog could end up the winner. And yes, Cathy, I want you to enter too!
I'll probably tell some folks when I comment at your blogs, so that some of your readers may come too. We want folks to know where we are and to know about Speakable Gifts. So thanks for helping out! All ages welcome!!
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: fun and games, Speakable Gifts
Saturday, April 04, 2009
News From China
Much is happening in China these days and I hope you are all aware of the happenings. Please uphold the people of this country in prayer and do whatever you can to help from a distance. Many are paying particular attention to the situation with Christian human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng, who was taken captive by the authorities almost sixty days ago. The ChinaAid and Voice of the Martyrs organizations are relentlessly seeking to put pressure on the government to release information as to his whereabouts and condition. Reports say he is being severely tortured. For more information on this story please go to Also, people are agreeing to send emails on his behalf and/or sign a petition. Go to the Persecution Blog if you are interested in doing either of these things.
Posted by
7:50 PM
notes from friends
Labels: hymns and poems, persecuted church, prayer needs
Thursday, April 02, 2009
April wouldn't be April if I didn't make at least one post about income taxes. You see, this has traditionally been a stressful time for me. But for the past couple of years, it's been getting better and better. All because of H & R Block online service! It has made all the difference, as I have been doing just a little bit at the computer, for a half hour or so in the mornings, and slowly but surely the taxes have been getting done. You plug in the figures, they do all the computations, as well as telling you whether or not you should itemize, what credits you can or can't take, and other helps. Today I did the last segment; I paid the $50 (not that cheap maybe, but cheaper than a tax preparer); and all I have to do now is print the return, sign and mail it. All done, and it's only the 2nd of the month. Anyone who knew me in the early days of blogging knows that I've been usually at the last minute, like say the 12-14th of the month finishing up, so this is quite an achievement. I'll take whatever pats on the back you want to give!
Now if we can get Neesie's third quarter grades and work in the mail by the middle of next I may just be able to keep my sanity after all. No more work tonight, though. Tonight I'm going to relax for a while, maybe read a few blogs.
Posted by
7:22 PM
notes from friends
Labels: busy life, homeschooling